
Job Placement Assurance at Oorjaswa:

Nurturing Your Career Path with Confidence

At Oorjaswa, we understand the importance of not just providing transformative education but also ensuring that our students embark on fulfilling career journeys. Our commitment to your success goes beyond the classroom, and we take pride in offering job placement assistance to empower you in the diverse fields of wellness, spa, yoga, and holistic therapies.

Key Highlights


Comprehensive Career Support

We offer comprehensive support to our graduates, guiding them through the process of securing rewarding positions in their respective fields.


Industry Connections

Oorjaswa has established strong ties with wellness centers, spas, Ayurvedic clinics, holistic therapy centers, and other relevant industries. We leverage these connections to create job opportunities for our talented graduates.


Tailored Placement Recommendations

Our team understands the unique skills and expertise of each graduate. We provide personalized recommendations for job placements based on individual strengths, preferences, and career goals.


Career Development Focus

Beyond job placements, we focus on enhancing your overall employability. Our career development programs include personality development, communication skills, and presentation training to ensure you stand out in the industry.


Hospitality Industry Insights

Drawing from our background in the hospitality industry, we prepare our students for the dynamic and service-oriented nature of their chosen fields. This includes instilling a “Can-Do Attitude” that aligns with industry expectations.


Global Placement Services

Our commitment to your success knows no boundaries. Oorjaswa offers placement services not only for our students but also extends to individuals seeking opportunities in the wellness sector, regardless of their learning source.

Our Process

How We Ensure Job Placement Data Accuracy

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Verification Process
We verify job placement data to ensure accuracy and reliability. This involves cross-referencing information provided by graduates with records from hiring organizations.
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Annual Audits
Regular internal audits are conducted to review and verify job placement data, maintaining transparency and correcting any discrepancies promptly.
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Continuous Improvement
We actively seek feedback from employers and graduates to enhance our processes continually. This commitment to improvement ensures that our job placement support remains effective and relevant.
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Your Journey Awaits – Ignite Your Career with Oorjaswa!


Lady Spa therapist

Spa therapist

Join Us

Join Oorjaswa for a Holistic Education and a Promising Career

Enrol in our transformative courses at Oorjaswa and not only gain profound knowledge and skills in wellness, spa, yoga, and holistic therapies but also embark on a journey toward a rewarding career. Trust in our commitment to your success, and let us guide you towards holistic excellence and professional fulfilment.

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